
-farmers market
-find a foodbank
-no GMO
-preserving food
- how to exploit your lawn and grow food,
-growing food on curbs,
-food forest,

-gangster gardening Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA -- in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer some alternative to fast food in a community where "the drive-thrus are killing more people than the drive-bys.

Oh I just LOVE this!!! Wow, this is my idea too, so simple, why the heck do we have all these lawns. Tear them up, fill them up with fruits and vegetables. I sure wish I had a lawn, right now I am in an apartment. I sure miss my garden, once in Nelson BC I had the loveliest little garden. It was amazing what I grew in, my sunflowers we huge. :D

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

Photos by Tina Winterlik © 2012

Any of you that have followed me know how I want to put in Edible Schoolyards and have cafeterias and markets with all the food the kids grow.

And you will also know that I took my kid WWOOF'ing last summer so we could learn more about organic gardening. 

What's taking so long....Come On people...Spring is on it's way...Grow a garden on the street, in your yard, in a vacant lot, in the parks. It's happening but on such a small scale, we need to go BIG!!

Zipolita here & she'z zaying eat your Eat Your GreenZ.zz...Zsmoothies, that's is!

I'm just playing with ya this morning. But this is a fabulous video in that it explains what a green smoothie is. Ever since I saw this video of Ines explain how she cured herself of cancer I wanted to know how to make a green smoothie. This is fab as I am a big juicer anyways. And I used to make alot of spinach and apple juice, and this is very similar. I got to get the book!

Green Smoothies for Beginners, Super Green Smoothies ,Savory Green Smoothies and Soups, Green Smoothies for Adventurous Souls, Green Puddings, Green Smoothies for Children, Green Smoothies for Body Care, Green Smoothies for Pets 

Sergei Boutenko demonstrates how to make delicious, nutrition green smoothie based on concepts from the book Green For Life (, by Victoria Boutenko. Boutenko’s green smoothie consists of fruits, green leafy veggies, and water making simple, tasty, and easy to digest.

The Raw Family

The Green Smoothie Blog

The Green Smoothie Blog

Wild Edibles iPhone App from Sergei

Green Smoothies Web App

Ten Health Benefits of Green Smoothies

1. Green smoothies are very nutritious. 

2. Green smoothies are easy to digest.

3. Green smoothies, as opposed to juices, are a complete food because they still have fiber.

4. Green smoothies belong to the most palatable dishes for all humans of all ages.

5. A molecule of chlorophyll closely resembles a molecule of human blood. 

6. Green smoothies are easy to make, and quick to clean up after.

7. Green smoothies have proven to be loved by children of all ages, including babies of six or more months old. 

8. When consuming your greens in the form of green smoothies, you are greatly reducing the consumption of oils and salt in your diet.

9. Regular consumption of green smoothies forms a good habit of eating greens.

10. While fresh is always best, green smoothies will keep in cool temperatures for up to three days, which can be handy at work and while traveling.

Read more Here

The ten health benefits of green smoothies was fist published by Victoria Boutenko & The Raw Family as Ode to Green Smoothie in January 2005 

This is really silly!

On Facebook

 Victoria Boutenko came to the USA with her family, including children Sergei and Valya, in 1990. The Boutenko family, also know as the Raw Family, became world-renowned raw food teacher, chefs & writers. Victoria Boutenko has thousands of followers. As a result of her teachings, many raw food communities have been formed and helped throughout the world. In recent years Victoria has become most famous for her discovery of green smoothies, which has revolutionized “health food” as we know it.

What brought Victoria to the raw food lifestyle was that her whole family, relishing the abundant food in their new American home, became overweight and sick. In her first book, Raw Family, the story is told of the problems they faced and how Victoria began to research alternatives when conventional medicine was not helping them. They had been desperately ill with serious diseases, including juvenile diabetes, arrhythmia, hyperthyroid, asthma, and arthritis. By radically changing their diet to 100% raw food, all four went from desperation and sickness to complete healing and happiness.

The commitment was made by the whole family to go and stay raw. At this point it’s been 16 years, and the difference in their health and looks speaks for itself. Read More Here

On Twitter

Raw Family

@RawBoutenkos Ashland, Oregon
We are the Boutenko Family or The Raw Family & have invaluable experience in living on a raw food diet. We also started the Green Smoothie Revolution
Botenko Films Youtube

This is a good one for kids!

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