Saturday, January 25, 2025

Sacrilege in Action: The Hypocrisy of Trump’s Christian Rhetoric

(I know what your thinking, is she really going to go down that rabbit hole?

Damn Right!)

Sacrilege in Action: The Hypocrisy of Trump’s Christian Rhetoric

Growing up Catholic, I was taught that faith was about love, compassion, and service to others. But as I got older, I saw the hypocrisy, judgment, and power plays overshadowing those ideals—even in spaces meant to be sacred. Hurtful words from nuns pushed me to leave the Church. As time passed, I began to connect more deeply with my Indigenous roots, which emphasized respect for all life, care for the earth, and the interconnection of all beings.

Over the years, my studies in psychology, anthropology, geography, and cultural geography, alongside my travels and life experiences, shaped my perspective on humanity, faith, and justice. At my age, I’ve seen enough cycles of history to recognize patterns—patterns of greed, division, and the misuse of power that keep repeating. Watching the rise of Donald Trump and the role of religious voters in his ascent felt like a cruel irony. Those who claimed to follow Jesus—a figure who stood for love, humility, and compassion—chose a leader whose actions betray every teaching they supposedly hold sacred.

I’m not sure anyone is listening now, but one day, I hope these words—and words like them—will matter.

You Cannot Claim to Follow Jesus While Betraying His Teachings

If you claim to follow Jesus, how do you reconcile these glaring contradictions?

1. Turning Your Back on the Poor: Jesus championed the poor, yet Trump’s policies prioritized the wealthy, cutting social programs and deepening inequality.

2. Rejecting the Stranger: The Bible calls on us to welcome the stranger, yet Trump’s administration enacted draconian immigration policies, separating families and turning away refugees.

3. Destroying Creation: God’s creation is sacred, yet environmental protections were rolled back, and climate change was denied, endangering the planet.

4. Sowing Division: Jesus preached unity and love, yet Trump’s rhetoric inflamed divisions, exploiting racial tensions and xenophobia.

5. Glorifying Wealth and Power: The love of money is the root of all evil, but Trumpism idolizes wealth and power while neglecting the vulnerable.

6. Promoting Violence: Jesus said, “Those who live by the sword will die by the sword,” yet militarism and the glorification of arms were hallmarks of Trump’s policies.

7. Eroding Truth: Jesus stood for honesty and integrity, but Trump’s administration became synonymous with lies and propaganda.

8. Mocking Humility: Humility is a cornerstone of Christian teaching, yet arrogance and self-glorification defined Trump’s leadership.

9. Exploiting Faith: Religious symbols and rhetoric were cynically used to gain political power, devoid of genuine belief or adherence to Christian principles.

10. Dismissing Justice: Jesus called for justice and fairness, yet Trump’s policies undermined the rule of law and marginalized the most vulnerable.

These betrayals of Christian doctrine go hand in hand with violations of the Ten Commandments:

You shall not have other gods before me: Trumpism’s idolization of power and wealth is a modern form of idolatry.

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain: Religious rhetoric was weaponized for political gain.

Honor your father and mother: Policies that harmed families and communities dishonor the elders and ancestors who built the way.

You shall not kill: From environmental destruction to the normalization of violence, the sanctity of life was disregarded.

You shall not steal: Corporate greed and policies that enriched the elite at the expense of the poor are forms of theft.

You shall not bear false witness: The relentless assault on truth and the spread of misinformation violated this commandment.

Trumpism and The Seven Indigenous Teachings

As someone who has embraced The Seven Teachings of love, respect, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility, and truth, I see how Trump’s leadership and the actions of his supporters violated these sacred values.

Love: Instead of fostering love, there was hate. Instead of caring for others, there was selfishness.

Respect: Respect for the earth, for diversity, for humanity—gone.

Courage: True courage is standing up for what is right, not inciting fear or clinging to power.

Honesty: Lies and propaganda were the currency of Trump’s administration.

Wisdom: Ignoring science and silencing Indigenous voices is the opposite of wisdom.

Humility: Arrogance replaced humility, leading to policies of exploitation.

Truth: Without truth, there is no justice. And without justice, there is no peace.

A Reflection on My Journey

As I write this, I reflect on my travels, my education, and my ancestors. I’ve walked through lands touched by history, witnessed different cultures, and seen the consequences of greed and division. My own family is a mix of Catholic and Christian beliefs, but my heart is Indigenous. I’ve seen the damage colonization and religious hypocrisy have done—not just to Indigenous peoples, but to the very spirit of humanity

We live in a world where people claim to follow sacred teachings while destroying everything those teachings stand for. It’s hard to watch, but I keep writing and speaking because maybe, just maybe, someone will hear. Maybe one day, these words will help others see the contradictions and work to change them.

A Call to Reflection

If you voted for Trump in the name of faith, I ask you to reflect deeply. Look at the consequences of that choice. Look at the harm done to the poor, the immigrant, the environment, and society itself. Is this what Jesus would have wanted?

Faith is not about power or politics; it’s about love, compassion, and justice. Whether you follow Jesus, the Seven Teachings, or another spiritual path, we must return to these values if we are to heal the damage done.

Let us be changerZ. Let us build a world based on love, respect, and truth. And let us remember that the earth, our ancestors, and future generations are watching.

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